Marcus Kalander
Senior Engineer @ Noah's Ark Lab, Huawei
Huawei Tech. Investment Co., Limited
6/F, 2 Science Park West Avenue
Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin
Hi, I’m Marcus. Born and raised in Gothenburg, Sweden, now living in Hong Kong. I’m a Senior Engineer at Noah’s Ark Lab with a focus on research.
Previously, I obtained my master’s degree at Chalmers in Computer Science with a specialization in algorithms, logic, and languages. During this time, I spent one year as an exchange student in Taiwan at the NCTU and one year in Hong Kong at CUHK for full-time Chinese (Mandarin) studies. Before this, I also obtained my bachelor’s degree in computer science at Chalmers.
My research has been guided by the different business projects I’ve worked on, covering a range of topics, but always focused on machine learning and AI. I have done a lot of work with time series (forecasting, anomaly detection, spatio-temporal graphs) and various anomaly detection scenarios with e.g. out-of-distribution data, label noise, and active learning. These days, I’m within the Embodied AI team and engaged in research in robotics, VLMs/VLAs, and reinforcement learning.